© 2025 • Lindsay Lane Baptist Church
920 Lindsay Lane • Florissant, MO 63031
(314) 921-2378
Grief Share meets during various times throughout the year.
How Grief Share works: GriefShare seminars and support groups are led by people who understand what you are going through and want to help. You’ll gain access to valuable GriefShare resources to help you recover from your loss and look forward to rebuilding your life.
Grief Share invites those experiencing loss to gather with others and meet the God of all comfort in a meaningful way.
It is a weekly support group with a biblical approach to processing loss where tools and strategies to work through grief are offered.
Each Grief Share session has three distinct elements:
• Video seminar with experts
Each week your GriefShare group will watch a video seminar featuring top experts on grief and recovery subjects. These videos are produced in an interesting television magazine format featuring expert interviews, real-life case studies, dramatic reenactments, and on-location video.
• Support group discussion with focus
After viewing the video, you and the other group members will spend time as a support group, discussing what was presented in that week’s video seminar and what is going on in your lives.
• Personal study and reflection
During the week you will have the opportunity to use your workbook for further personal study of the grieving process and to help sort out your emotions through journaling. Your group will spend time discussing questions and comments from the workbook study.
Please contact the church office for details when the next 13-week session will begin.